[2020] Describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions

Describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions

115. IELTS Cue Card -
Describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions

In this article, IELTS Game will add number 115 IELTS cue card sample on the series of 2020 cue cards with band 9.0 model answers and part 3 follow up questions that will help you in your IELTS test preparation.

This cue card is related to “Person description” topic and asking you to “Describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions. and asking IELTS speaking part 3 follow up questions.

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Describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions
Describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions

IELTS Cue Card 2020 Sample 115

Describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions.

You should say:

  • – Who this person is?
  • – What this person does?
  • – How you know this person?
  • – What kinds of ideas and opinions he has and why they are interesting?

Band 9.0 Sample Answer Ideas.

• I know many people who have a lot of interesting ideas and opinions, but here I would like to talk about my paternal grandfather, who is the most knowledgeable person in my eyes.

• His name is Manmohan Singh.

• He is in his early seventies, and retired from Punjab education services.

• He is not very tall, but looks very handsome.

• He generally wears white kurta pajama, but on formal occasions he wears pant shirt.

• He has a great sense of humour and can turn any tense situation into a happy one.

• No one can ever get bored in his company.

• One can have a discussion with him for hours on any topic on Earth.

• He is an ardent reader and reads 4 newspapers daily.

• He reads the editorial section in depth.

• He says that reading the editorials makes him look at things from different perspectives and then he can make opinions of his own.

• You can talk to him about politics, sports, business, Bollywood and many other things and you will be surprised at his knowledge.

• Although he is retired, he leads a very disciplined life.

• He gets ready in the morning and goes to a nearby park where many senior citizens like him come and chit chat with each other.

• I think very high of my grandfather.

• I am very proud of him.

• Many of my relatives and neighbours come to him for advice.

• He loves company and is very happy when he is surrounded with people.

• He loves meeting new people and making friends.

• So, my grandfather is the most knowledgeable person and has many interesting ideas and opinions.

IELTS Speaking part 3 Follow Up Questions.

Here are some follow up questions you may be asked during part 3 IELTS Speaking exam by the IELTS examiner related to describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions IELTS Cue Card 2020.

1. When do children begin to have their own ideas?

It is an interesting question. I think children begin to have their own ideas at a very young age.

Even very small children talk and amaze us as to where they got those ideas from.

2. Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?

There are more and more differences between children and their parents because their thinking is different.

This is precisely what we call as the generation gap. Parents have their own ideas of right and wrong, but children question everything and want to know why there are some things they shouldn’t do. 

Children don’t have the experience which comes with age, but they don’t want to accept everything their parents say because they can’t see the negative side of it.

Parents sometimes lack the patience to explain things nicely and in a friendly way to their children. So, there is a conflict between parents and children.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?

The advantages are that children become well behaved, responsible and productive adults. They also don’t land into any trouble.

For example, if parents set the rule that children should watch TV or play computer games for limited time, then they don’t get addicted to these things and have time for their homework and outdoor games. 

My father doesn’t allow us to be out of the house after 7 pm.

We follow that rule because we realize that it is for our safety.

4. Is there someone with good ideas that has changed many people’s lives?

Yes, there are many people with good ideas that have changed many people’s lives. 

For example all great scientists who have invented things have changed the lives of people.

The inventors of cell phones have changed peoples lives. The inventors of the automobile have changed people’s lives.

In our village, there was a problem of too much underground water because of which there was a seepage of water in the houses.

One of my neighbours planted about 150 eucalyptus trees around those houses. Eucalyptus is known to suck out underground water.

Now, the trees are fully grown; they look beautiful and there is no problem of seepage of water in the houses.

So, that one person’s idea has changed the life of many people.

Cue Card sample 116

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