12 prepositions that indicate time in English language

prepositions in English language - preposition indicate time

12 prepositions that indicate time in English language - Grammar for IELTS

prepositions in English language - preposition indicate time
prepositions in English language - preposition indicate time

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What is the preposition?

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence.

They act to connect the people, time, objects and locations of a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns.

Prepositions show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other element in a sentence or phrase.

Many prepositions have some very specific uses. Sometimes they even act as other parts of speech.

They can be adverbs. Or they can be the prefix on a noun or verb.

12 prepositions that indicate time in English language

A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a certain period of time as dates, days of the week, or the actual time something takes place.

Prepositions of time allow you to tell your readers when things are taking place.

They are vital parts of speech to use in stories, as well as when writing simple communications, reports, and other items.

You will use prepositions as a part of grammar for IELTS exam, mostly in speaking and writing, in both academic and general modules.

There are several prepositions that are used in expressions of time:

  1. after
  2. from
  3. at
  4. in
  5. before
  6. on
  7. by
  8. since
  9. during
  10. to
  11. for
  12. until

These prepositions are used with a variety of moments in time and in phrases that answer the question as when.

Some, such as at, on, in and for, have a limited use.

The preposition “at”

The preposition at is used primarily to point out an event in time or a time shown on a clock:


at dawn, at dusk, at daybreak, at holiday time, at lunchtime, at midnight, at the end of the day, at 4:30 P.M., at 11:55 A.M.

– The soldiers finally got back at dawn.

The preposition “On”

On is used primarily with days of the week and dates:


on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday, on June twelfth, on the fifteenth of May.

– We’re starting a new project on the first of the month.

The preposition “in”

Use in for a nonspecific time of a day, of a month, of a year, or of a season:


in the morning, in January, in 2001, in summer

– We like going camping in autumn.

The preposition “for”

Use for with a specific event in time:


for Christmas, for the holidays, for your birthday party, for the celebration.

I’ll be there for your baby’s christening.

Other prepositions that indicate time

Most other prepositions can be used in many varied expressions of time:

  • She can be here by five o’clock.
  • I want to speak with you before the end of the day.
  • He works every day from dawn to dusk.
  • The drought has continued since last June.
  • We spend a lot of time in Mexico during the winter months.
  • Tom won’t come home until next year.
  • Maria went out to dinner after work yesterday.


  1. From and to are usually used in the same sentence to show a long period of time.
  2. Until often replaces to:
  • He worked here from 1997 to 2002.
  • She’ll be in Europe from June until August.

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