[2020] Describe an unusual vacation you had

Describe an unusual vacation you had

117. IELTS Cue Card -
Describe an unusual vacation you had

In this article, IELTS Game will add number 117 IELTS cue card sample on the series of 2020 cue cards with band 9.0 model answers and part 3 follow up questions that will help you in your IELTS test preparation.

This cue card is related to “Vacation description” topic and asking you to “Describe an unusual vacation you had or Describe an unusual experience of travelling and asking IELTS speaking part 3 follow up questions.

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Describe an unusual vacation you had
Describe an unusual vacation you had

IELTS Cue Card 2020 Sample 117

Describe an unusual vacation you had.


Describe an unusual experience of travelling.

You should say:

  • – What you did?
  • – When and where you did it?
  • – Who you did it with?
  • – And explain why you think it was interesting or unusual?

Band 9.0 Sample Answer Ideas.

• Few months back while our visit to a friend’s hometown, all of a sudden, a friend proposed to go inside a nearby forest and have a holiday there.

• This was a plan proposed by Adam (…say one of your friends name…) and 4 of our friends agreed to be part of this trip.

• This was bit dangerous as people rarely go inside the forest and from the local people we had heard different scary and wild stories about this jungle.

• Our main attraction was the abandoned house inside the jungle and we planned to stay there and take photos of wild life and the abandoned house.

• We knew that my friend’s guardians won’t permit us to do that and hence we planned not to let them know about it upfront.

• On a Thursday morning we left the friend’s house and bought the necessary ingredients, vegetables, foods and other things that would be required for us for the stay.

• We entered inside the jungle and to our surprise the inside was much more open and beautiful than we thought it would be.

• With some difficulty we reached near the abandoned house and spent few hours there.

• This was a very exciting and unusual experience for us.

• We collected some wood and made arrangements for cooking.

• We ate the food we cooked and it was horrible in taste.

• However, we were looking for adventure and interesting stuff, so the bad food did not kill our spirit.

• We could not enter the abandoned house, as it was locked and very fragile. We took several photos of the place and we noticed that some of the wild animals were observing us with suspicion.

• I have to confess that it was a bit dangerous and imprudent thing to do but we enjoyed our interesting and unusual holiday inside a forest.

IELTS Speaking part 3 Follow Up Questions.

Here are some follow up questions you may be asked during part 3 IELTS Speaking exam by the IELTS examiner related to describe an unusual vacation you had or Describe and unusual experience of travelling IELTS Cue Card 2020.

1. What are some popular attractions that people like to visit?

Some popular attractions that people like to visit are national parks, religious places, historical buildings, buildings of architectural importance, places of natural beauty, museums, art galleries, etc.

2. Why do many people like to travel abroad?

Many people like to travel abroad so that they can experience a new culture, meet new people, make new friends, and to explore new avenues to study and work.

3. What do people usually do during long holidays?

During long holidays, people mostly spend time with family. 

Many people plan to go on long trips with their family and sometimes friends so that they can spend some quality time together.

Some people like to take up courses so that they can learn something new or pursue a hobby.

4. Do you think there will be more ecotourism in future?

Yes, I think people are becoming more conscious about the damage to the environment caused by tourism and ecotourism has become popular. 

In the future, it will become more popular as people have understood that for tourism to be sustainable it needs to be environment friendly.

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