183. IELTS Cue Card -
Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal
In this article, IELTS Game will add number 183 IELTS cue card sample on the series of 2020 cue cards with band 9.0 model answers and part 3 follow up questions that will help you in your IELTS test preparation.
This cue card is related to “Time description” topic and asking you to “Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal“ and asking IELTS speaking part 3 follow up questions from Makkar Jan-Apr 2021 cue cards guesswork.
IELTS Cue Card Sample 183
Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal.
You should say:
- – What it looked like?
- – Where you saw it?
- – What it likes to eat or do?
- – Why you like it?
Band 9.0 Sample Answer Ideas.
• India is a diverse country
• There are many types of animals found in India
• There are pet animals, domestic animals, and wild animals
• Here I am going to talk about an animal, which I saw for the first time in
• Mini zoo at Chandigarh.
• I saw it from a distance of eight to ten feet.
• It is the elephant
• I like it because even though it is a wild animal, it doesn’t seem so
• intimidating as the lion or tiger.
• The elephants are the biggest land animals.
• They are herbivorous and can be identified because of their trunk.
• The trunk is the projection of their nose and the upper lips.
• There are two types of elephants, the Indian and the African.
• African elephants are bigger than their Indian counterparts.
• They have comparatively larger ears.
• Among the African elephants both the males and females have tusks
• whereas, only the males among the Indian elephants have tusks and
• So they are called tuskers.
• The back of the Indian elephants is convex whereas that of the
• African elephants are concave.
• Indian elephants can be tamed and they are more beautiful.
• Elephants are gregarious animals and live in herds headed by tuskers.
• They have a well-structured family life.
• The young ones, called the calf, are looked after by the cow elephants.
• Their cry is called a trumpet.
• In India, elephants are captured, tamed, and used for various purposes.
• Elephants are among the few animals whose existence is not
• endangered till now.
IELTS Speaking part 3 Follow Up Questions.
Here are some follow up questions you may be asked during part 3 IELTS Speaking exam by the IELTS examiner related to 1st cue card:
“Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal”
1. Besides the animal you just spoke about, what other wild animals are there in your country (or, around where you live)?
There are many other wild animals in my country such as tigers, leopards, snakes, camels, deer, giraffes, rhinoceros, lions, hippos, alligators, crocodiles, monkeys, etc.
2. In general, how do people in your country feel about wild animals?
People have different feelings for wild animals. Some people are scared of them, some worship them, some like them and especially go to the zoos to see them. Some even hunt wild animals for their body parts.
3. In general, what is the attitude of people in your country towards wild animals?
People have different attitudes towards wild animals. Some people are scared of them, some worship them, some like them and specially go to the zoos to see them. Some even hunt wild animals for their body parts.
4. Do you like (all) wild animals? (Why?/Why not?)
Yes, I like all wild animals but from afar. I love to see programs about wild animals on the Discovery Channel and the National Geographic Channel and I even enjoy watching them in zoos.
5. In general, do you think people like wild animals?
Yes, I think they do. The Discovery Channel and the National Geographic Channel are very popular.
People even go to zoos to see them. Whenever I went to any zoo, I see a huge rush of people there.
6. Are there any wild animals that you dislike? Why?
I don’t dislike any wild animal when I see it on TV or in the zoo. But I am sure, I don’t want to be near any wild animal in reality.
7. What about lions and tigers, do you like them? After all, they sometimes eat people
Normally lions and tigers are happy eating other animals of the wild like the zebras but only when humans provoke them that they eat them.
8. In your country, are people’s attitudes towards wild animals today the same as people’s attitudes in the past?
Today, the attitude of people towards wild animals is quite different than in the past. Earlier people were afraid of wild animals and used to worship them. They even used to hunt and kill them in great numbers.
However, today people are more aware of the importance of animals. They want to conserve them. Some societies such as the SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) are taking steps for animal rights.
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