IELTS Cue Card: Describe your favorite song

IELTS Speaking Cue Card sample 54

54. IELTS Cue Card -
Describe your favorite song

In this article, will add number 54 IELTS cue card sample on the series of IELTS cue card sample with band 9.0 model answers with follow up questions that will help you in your IELTS test preparation.

This cue card is related to “Song description” topic and asking you to “Describe your favorite song. and asking some questions related to this topic.

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IELTS Speaking Cue Card sample 54
Describe your favorite song IELTS cue card

Describe your favorite song.

You should say:

  • – What is the song about?
  • – When did you first hear the song?
  • – Why is it your favorite?

Band 9.0 Sample Answer.

Honestly speaking, for the most part, I would probably say that I have a great passion for listening to music and indeed I have listened like thousands of songs so far.

However, if I have to pick out a song that I like the most, I would probably choose the song Million Years Ago by Adele.

By gorgeous lyrics and melody, it’s like a piece of cake for Adele to make me addicted to this song.

A significant feature that I should mention is the song’s meaningful content.

It is a regretful calling inside an adult who has born his soul on the way of growing up and earning his stripes.

Every now and then I feel he is so desperate that he could do anything to escape the cycle of his life but after all he can’t afford to do so.

The reason why I am so fond of this song has something to do with the fact that it provokes so many beautiful memories from my childhood.

Although this song is a sad song, it opens my eyes to many things in life, one of them is that you should not take anything for granted.

Even the simplest one, try to live to your fullest so that one day you would not have to regret that much about the journey that you have been through.

Fairly speaking, Million Years Ago is a really good songs for self – reflecting especially when you find yourself lost in the super busy world nowadays.


Here are some useful vocabulary and expressions you can use to describe your favorite song IELTS Cue Card.

Passion (n): strong and intense emotion, love

Pick out (phrasal verb): to choose

Piece of cake (idiom): something very easy

Be addicted to something (expression): be devoted to a particular activity or thing

Calling (n): a strong urge to a particular way of life

Earn someone’s stripes (idiom): Do something to show you deserve a particular rank or position

Every now and then (expression): occasionally, from time to time

Provoke (v): stimulate or give rise to something

Open one’s eyes to Something (idiom): make someone understand something

Take something for granted (idiom): fail to properly appreciate ST

Reflect (v): think deeply and carefully about something.

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