IELTS Speaking – Describe An Occasion You Unexpectedly Met Someone

Describe An Occasion You Unexpectedly Met Someone IELTS speaking cue card

20. IELTS Speaking part 2 -
Describe An Occasion You Unexpectedly Met Someone

In this article, IELTS Game will add number 20 cue card on the series of IELTS speaking exams part 2 with band 9.0 model answers that will help you in your IELTS preparation.

This cue card is related to “occasion” topic and asking you to Describe an occasion when you were surprised to meet someone you know.”

or “Describe an occasion when you unexpectedly met someone you know”, and asking some questions related to this topic.

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Describe An Occasion You Unexpectedly Met Someone IELTS speaking cue card
Describe An Occasion You Unexpectedly Met Someone IELTS speaking cue card

Describe an occasion when you were surprised to meet someone you know.

You should say:

  • – Who it was
  • – Where you met this person
  • – What you did when you met
  • – And explain why you were surprised to meet this person.

Band 9.0 Sample.

Well, it doesn’t happen a lot when you unexpectedly meet someone you know.

But a couple of days ago when I was out for lunch, I bumped into a high school classmate whom I haven‟t seen since we graduated.
I was walking along the street when I saw him standing in front of a restaurant.

He hasn’t changed a bit, so I recognized him right away. I approached him and said hi;

however, it took him a while to realize that I was his high school classmate.  At that moment, I felt very awkward.

Luckily, it didn’t last long and we started to give each other a quick update about our lives recently, such as where we are working currently, our families and, of course, we swapped phone numbers and promised to keep in touch in future.

Since we were both in a hurry, we didn’t spend much time chatting to each other. However, it always feels good when you unexpectedly meet a long-lost friend.

If we had had more time, we’d probably have reminisced about our high school memories with all the crazy things that we did back then.


bump into: [phrasal verb] to meet unexpectedly by accident.

  • Example: To my surprise, I bumped into my English teacher in the supermarket.

he hasn’t changed a bit: [verb phrase] he looks or acts exactly the same.

  • Example: My uncle looks the same as in the photos of him 20 years ago. It‟s amazing, he hasn’t changed a bit.

right away: [adverb] immediately

  • Example: This message is very urgent, so please send it right away.

awkward: [adjective] making you feel embarrassed.

  • Example: At the restaurant, my friend had to pay for our meal. It was an awkward situation, because I had forgotten to bring any money!

update: [noun] a report containing the most recent information.

  • Example: I planned to go to the beach, so I checked on the Internet for an update on the weather forecast.

swap: [verb] to give something to somebody and receive something in exchange.

  • Example: I swapped places with a man on the bus, so that I could sit near the front.

keep in touch: [verb phrase] to communicate with somebody, especially by writing or telephoning.

  • Example: Most young people nowadays keep in touch by e-mailing or texting their friends.

chat: [verb] to talk in a friendly, informal way to somebody

  • Example: I decided to invite my friend for a coffee, so we could chat about our recent holidays

a long-lost friend: [noun] a friend that you have not seen for a long time.

  • Example: At the bus station, I bumped into a long-lost friend that I had not seen since my school days.

reminisce: [verb] to think, talk or write about a happy time in your past.

  • Example: My father often reminisces about his years at university.

back then: [adverb] at a particular time in the past.

  • Example: I remember when I visited Thailand many years ago. Back then, there were very few tourists.

Another Band 9.0 Sample.

I was once surprised to meet someone I know while I was on vacation in a different country. The person I met was a former coworker, who I had not seen or heard from in over a year.

I was on a beach in Thailand, and I was walking along the shore when I suddenly saw my former coworker sitting on a towel a few feet away from me. I couldn’t believe my eyes at first, and I had to do a double take to make sure it was really her.

When I realized it was indeed my former coworker, I was surprised and excited to see her. I walked over and greeted her, and we chatted for a few minutes about our respective vacations and how we ended up in the same place at the same time. It was a complete coincidence that we ran into each other, and it was a pleasant surprise to see someone familiar in a foreign country.

I was surprised to meet my former coworker because I didn’t expect to see anyone I knew while on vacation in Thailand. It was a nice reminder that the world can sometimes be a small place, and it was a fun memory from my trip.


Here are the difficult words from my previous answer, along with their definitions:

VacationA period of time when a person does not go to work or school and is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax
CoincidenceA situation in which events or circumstances happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected
ForeignBelonging to or coming from a country that is not your own
PleasantEnjoyable or satisfying
ReminderSomething that helps you to remember something

Part 3 follow up questions.

Here are some IELTS speaking part 3 questions related to the previous cue card, along with suggested answers:

  1. Do you think it is common for people to meet someone they know while on vacation in a different country? Why or why not?

It is not particularly common for people to meet someone they know while on vacation in a different country, but it is not impossible either. It really depends on the person’s social circle and the places they tend to visit on vacation. For example, if a person has a lot of international friends or tends to vacation in popular tourist destinations, it may be more likely that they will run into someone they know. However, it is still a relatively rare occurrence and is often a surprise when it does happen.

  1. Do you think it is important for people to take breaks from work and go on vacation? Why or why not?

I believe it is important for people to take breaks from work and go on vacation for a few reasons. First, taking a vacation allows a person to relax and recharge, which can help them to return to work feeling refreshed and more productive. Second, going on vacation can also be an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery, as it allows people to step out of their daily routine and try new things. Finally, taking a vacation can also be a great way for people to bond with their loved ones and create lasting memories.

  1. In what ways do you think travel can be beneficial for people?

Travel can be beneficial for people in a number of ways. First, it allows people to see and experience new cultures, which can broaden their perspective and understanding of the world. Second, travel can also be an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery, as it allows people to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Third, travel can also be a great way for people to disconnect from their daily lives and relax, which can be beneficial for their mental health. Finally, travel can also be a great way for people to bond with their loved ones and create lasting memories.

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